Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The Francis Scott Key/Leonard Cohen Award

The Yanks have given us many things: some good (the Zamboni ice rink reviver, the zipper and Scrabble), some not (the Neutron bomb, bubblegum and Ketamine) and some necessary but a little unsavoury (Preparation H, life size dolls and supermarkets).
They have also supplied us with an awful lot of garden blogs.
This award is for the Best North American Blog **

** For the purposes of simplicity we also include the Canadians in this category (they have been responsible for Trivial Pursuit, the Foghorn and the alkaline, lithium and nickel oxyhydroxiode batteries).
We apologise for any offence this may cause.


  1. Manic Gardener, Manic Gardener, Manic Gardener. I love her, and she has a soul, and she is just fab.

  2. Oh and bicycle garden. Hey, what happened to my lst comment?

  3. I would like to nominate View from Federal Twist. I enjoy seeing this garden develop - its on a scale that is beyond anything I will ever have and I love the native planting. The writing is excellent as well

  4. Well, woot! I'm honored to be included in any crowd that would include Manic Gardener and Gardenhistorygirl.

  5. And of course it goes without saying that I'm honored to be included with James's View from Federal Twist, as well!

  6. Bloomingwriter
    From My Corner of Katy
    Nancy Bond
    Manic Gardener

  7. kiss my aster
    garden rant
    studio 'g' (that's me)
    a way to garden

  8. Gotta add the fabulous Amanda Thomsen of Kiss My Aster in here!

  9. Bren at BG GArden http://momingarden.blogspot.com/

    Cherry's IN the Garden http://gagirl46.blogspot.com/

    Phillip @ Dirt Therapy

    and me if you want to throw me in (I kid...I Kid)

  10. Are you people nuts? Where's the Garden Wise Guy? That silver-tongued cross between Lewis Black, Dave Barry, Andy Rooney and Anthony Bourdain. I nominate ME. I can't believe you overlooked me. Whatcha been smokin'. Lost? Check http://gardenwiseguy.blogspot.com

  11. And who could forget the fantastic Billy Goodnick (http://www.finegardening.com/blog/sustainable-landscaping).

  12. There are two of our American cousins whom I'm always pleased to see have new posts which need immediate investigation:

    The Manic Gardener
    The Bicycle Garden

    I know it's not Amanda's fault but I can only include her for her pre-Horticulture posts. For me the awful download times I get plus the lack of direct comment facilities detract too much from her fine blog.

  13. My last ditch votes are:
    Kiss My aster
    Manic Gardener
    Bloomingwriter (in spite of the cats)
    Heavy Petal
    Bay Area Tendrils
    and various others

  14. In no particular order:
    Each Little World
    A Study in Contrasts
    My Corner of Katy
    Red Dirt Ramblings
    May Dreams Gardens
    Clay & Limestone
    Faire Garden

  15. Ooh I forgot to say that Mr McGregor's Daughter needs a nomination not only for a fine blog, but also her email address which always makes me smile when she leaves a comment over at mine. It's headfullaplants!

  16. And Federal Twist of course
