Saturday, 2 May 2009

Queens Award For Complete Irrelevance

One of the problems with many garden blogs is that they have far too much gardening: it is possible to have too many photographs of seedling tomatoes, empty beds or burgeoning chrysanthemums.
This award is for the best post on a Garden blog that did not concern gardening. Perhaps a post concerned with ballet or sculpture or socks or motor cars or caravanning or wild carousing or romance or seafood or banking or just about anything except practical gardening.


  1. Arabella Sock's reinvention of Toby Buckland as Pan

  2. Nigel Colborn 'colborning' (see most posts)

  3. kiss my aster - thong gardening
    studio 'g' - gypsy inspriation
    a way to garden...frogs and sisters

  4. Oooh, and Happy Mouffetard's LAPCPADPOUB day

  5. I second LAPCPADPOUB Day - so that James has to relive the experience again.

    And the whole 'sock wars' episode has got to be up there too. It may have its roots in gardening, but it morphed into something much, much more than that and ever so surreal. It would have to be a joint Kate Manic and Blackpitts award though.

  6. Definitely Happy M's LAPCPADPOUB Day!

  7. Another vote for Esther Montgomery.

  8. LAPCPADPOUB day. Sorry, but it has to be!

  9. The Cat Day will always live on in my dreams

  10. I'd like to nominate Off The Rails too. I always feel much calmer after a visit, like I've been on holiday. Now the railcarriage conversion's pretty much complete and attention is turning to the garden, this is probably the last chance for Elspeth in this category!

  11. Actually can I add Colleen's Rus in Urbis for her frequent sallies into the East of London countryside, her photos of stonework, her posts on clothes and hobbies and... all kinds of things. I keep hassling her to make it into a book - i feel the same thing as VP is talking about above - it calms me.
